Your “self” is the vehicle to this journey called life … but if you can’t accept your self than you will have a hard time traveling to where you want to go.
I Am A Preacher
I went through a recent storm of depression which brought along some mess ups with food. But God used the phrase “I am a preacher” to start dispersing the clouds of depression and to get my eyes off of myself.
God’s Design
The first and oldest lie is one that fuels our eating disorders and addictions today. We think we know best … but do we?
Do Not Fear
Fear leads us into all kinds of addictions/disorders … did you know that fear is actually one of the biggest engines that drives our disorders. But, did you also know that “fear not” is the most repeated command in the Bible?
Karen Carpenter
I wanted to write about the legendary Karen Carpenter - her life, her death and a shocking fact that reveals the reality in which we live.
God Knows You By Your Name
It is important to know who our enemy is and who is behind our eating/mental disorders and/or addictions. But even more importantly than knowing who the enemy is, we need to know who the Victor is! Because there in lies the hope and power behind our recovery!
Gluttony VS. Binging
Is there a difference or are these two actions the same thing? I think it’s both - but understanding the difference is the key to recovery.
An Honest Update
God has taken me on an unexpected journey but He has shown me a lot while taking me through this season of life.
“Notes” About Me
Music is a major part of my life and God has used it to help shape me into the person I am today, which makes music extremely special to me.
Why Recover?
Why should I recover? Is it worth it? Of course, it is an easy question for me to answer from where I stand now.
What Spurs You On?
After having messed up with food, I was thinking the other day about what spurs me on to keep fighting.
Your Soul Has Value
"Your name is of value because of the name of the One who formed you, His signature is on your soul." - Ravi Zacharias
Another Year … Really?!
Have you burned yourself out in the past by some strict and unrealistic resolutions in the past? I sure have. This year, why don’t we scrap the resolutions and do this one exercise … and lets make it the only exercise you’ll need in 2023!
Revolutionizing Recovery
A perfect recovery? Not possible. Learning to live with a disorder? No thank you. In this blog you will read about my version of recovery … Everlasting Recovery. It leaves room for mess ups and mistakes but leaves plenty of room for a life lived in freedom, victory and grace.
What Really Lies Behind Anorexia (pt 1)
This is the first blog I have written in over a year.